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Fine Artist and Maker based in London, Pablo’s goals have always been to imagine and craft stimulating projects. Graduated in Fashion Design ( BA - Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne/IFM ) and in Fine Arts ( MA Sculpture - Camberwell/UAL ) he loves perfecting and experimenting a wide range of techniques. 


Pablo’s practice is evolving through illustration and sculpture. His work stands as his intimate diary. Describing and representing his personal experiences, memories and his vision of the Human race. Art is the external door of his inner demons as well as the witness of who he is and what he would have been through every stage of his life.

Besides his personal practice, he collaborates and works for different people and projects in the Creative Industry such as Set-Designers ( Studio Augmenta) , Designers (Tiipoi) or Installations (V&A Museum). 


Crafting things with his hands and developing his skillset through his own practice or people’s projects is at the core of his passion.

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